Technology rollouts Accounting

Completing the Technology Rollout Puzzle: Accounting

If billing/payments are a mess, a great deployment experience is wasted

While everyone knows the impact that CEOs and sales teams have on a business, little thought is given to back-office teams like accounting. Until something goes horribly wrong that is.  For example, maybe the local contractor used by a technology rollout company is contacting you or your customer to threaten to pull out equipment they installed, or put a lien on the property because they have not been paid for a job completed months ago.

Most people have very little contact with a well-run accounting department, other than receiving statements, or notices of automated ACH deposits. But Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR) are just as important puzzle pieces for technology rollouts, as on-site techs or project managers. The accounting department facilitates payments to hundreds of local contractors and vendors, providing essential support to the successful operation of the rollout company and your projects. Technology rollout accounting is the unsung hero of a stress-free, well-run rollout.

Modern Methods Make Back-Office Processes More Efficient

Until about 20 years ago, the image of a harassed accountant hidden by teetering stacks of paper wasn’t far off base; however, by the mid-1990s, business process was more automated and immediate. AR and AP professionals, shifted from a hard-copy based system that left plenty of room for error and paper trails that went nowhere, to paperless processes.  As a result, AP/AR facilitators now receive and send most invoices electronically, sometimes even as the tech is actually leaving the job-site, and keep digital files for rapid access to client and customer accounts. This instant access means an almost immediate turnaround period for auditing, processing, and concerns or queries.

Now dual computer screens replace the stacks of paper, a clacking keyboard replaces “invoice paid” rubber stamps, and a printer replaces hand-cramping repetitive check signing. Taking things a step further, many companies send and receive payments by ACH electronic transfers. About 80% of Concert Technologies contractors use ACH, reducing costs for stamps, paper, trips to the bank, and even employee hours.  An important benefit of this approach for contractors, is that they receive their payment much quicker. We have learned that a happy contractor is a responsive contractor, who seeks out more work, helping us to maintain our reputation as a conscientious, global leader in technology rollouts, evidenced by our 99.7% “Done Right First Time” performance record .

The Bottom Line: Great Customer Service Comes From Every Department

Obviously nothing is perfect, and there are still occasional days that we find ourselves looking for answers in our coffee cup. We wince because someone, out of hundreds, hasn’t received their payment as quickly as they expected, or lines got crossed and they misread the hours worked at site on their payment statement. This is where the Concert AP/AR team’s sterling customer service skills kick in. It takes tact and diplomacy to end an irate phone call with the contractor laughing, and saying that he wished all his business dealings were as enjoyable, but it’s been known to happen. You can chalk it up to AP/AR being a sometimes overlooked, yet always important, piece that fits together to make the technology rollout puzzle complete.

If your experience of working with a technology rollout company has been negative, contact us, we’d love to talk to you about how we can make it better next time.

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