Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We take great pride in bringing together multiple technologies across various platforms to create a seamless connection with the world. Our unique ability of integrating various services to work together harmoniously across multiple sites is akin to that of a conductor directing a concert. Thus the name: Concert Technologies — a name that embodies the spirit of unison and harmony in combination with technology.
We provide complete management, technical support and technicians for all onsite aspects of a technology deployment. Our expertise is the deployment of technology infrastructure with a well-defined Technology Rollout System of methodologies that provides us with the ability to manage, disseminate requirements and relay technical knowledge quickly and accurately to our worldwide field force of Concert Techs. This includes full responsibility of the distribution channel of our partnership network to provide local field technicians to install and maintain multi-site enterprise networks at an accelerated deployment speed.
We take pride in having a wide breadth of experience installing all types of technology in almost every country. In other words, we are able to manage the installation of any type of equipment needed to complete your multi-site deployment requirements.
First we meet with the customer to determine the specific project requirements and associated equipment technology to be installed. This is the Master Rollout Analysis stage in which we provide templates including equipment and technology specifications in order to gather all project requirements.
During this stage, we will discuss requirements to address any areas of concern or to provide additional input. After the Master Rollout Analysis is completed, your assigned Project Manager will use the equipment and technology template to relay technical knowledge to our Project Facilitators. The Project Facilitators will provide information as required to our local field technicians at each site. This template format not only accelerates the entire deployment process but is used as a checklist and support documentation when our Project Facilitators monitor our field force.
Learn more about Rollout Delivery Team Configurations in our White Paper Series.
Our worldwide field force of over 55,000 Concert Techs is complete with trained and certified technicians available when and where you need them. Our integrated web-based software system, COPS (Concert Orchestrated Processing System), has a wealth of information about our Concert Tech partners to determine the capabilities required for your project. In addition, each Concert Tech is managed and monitored by our Project Facilitator who makes sure you are getting the highest level of quality while ensuring that any unforeseen circumstances are immediately resolved.
Our Maestro Technology Rollout System® is the organization of our processes and methodologies to streamline our nine-component model which provides you with accelerated deployments. Many technology rollout companies rely on their web-based software application to manage your rollouts. Although a web-based software application is required to support the large volume of projects, it is no substitute for how the company is organized and prepared to deploy your technology project. Quite simply, a Technology Rollout System of methodologies is required to provide consistent quality, speed and accuracy for nationwide and international technology rollouts.
Read our White Paper Series to learn how to evaluate a Technology Rollout System of methodologies.
For over 30 years, we have utilized our key strengths and unique management style to implement 500,000+ technology rollouts worldwide, we understand how to deploy nationwide and international technology rollouts in virtually any environment. Our proven Maestro Technology Rollout System® of methodologies incorporates our worldwide field force of Concert Techs and allows us to provide the highest quality of service at accelerated deployment speeds.
Contrast our approach with the business models of other technology rollout companies which are comprised of the standard elevator sales pitch: a single point of contact, partners located nationwide and a web-base software application that “manages” the rollout. Our experience has proven that while these three aspects are valuable, they by no means provide a substitute total solution to deploying technology on a multi-site scale. Only with a proven Technology Rollout System can you be assured that you’re getting the most cost-effective, time-efficient and highest quality deployment for your technology project. A quick review of a technology rollout company’s business model will determine if they have the capabilities to deploy your project:
- Does the technology rollout company explain how their system of methodologies works for multi-site technology rollouts?
- Is their core business multi-site technology rollouts or are their deployment capabilities merely an add-on service?
- Does the company push the standard elevator sales pitch described above as their sole means of managing and deploying your technology project?
For more information about how to evaluate a technology rollout company, read our complimentary White Paper Series.
The Master Rollout Analysis is the initial stage of a deployment in which we gather all project requirements including technical information and documentation. This includes Component Templates for all services necessary to successfully complete all onsite work. Once compiled with the pricing information, the analysis is used as the guiding reference for all project work performed and serves as a QA checklist to gauge performance and ensure all aspects of the rollout were completely accurately and on time.
There are five primary Process Structures used in multi-site nationwide and international rollouts:
Centralized Single-Tier (see diagram)
Centralized Multi-Tier (see diagram)
Rent-a-Tech (see diagram)
Internal Employee (see diagram)
Hybrid (see diagram)
Concert Technologies employs the streamlined Centralized Single-Tier Process Structure which allows us to communicate directly with both you and our managed local field partners. This means we take full responsibility and risk management for all deployment work performed as well as ensure that communication flow from top to bottom is quick, professional and accurate.
By utilizing the efficiency of the Local Multi-Service Deployment Method, each Concert Tech specializes in multiple services and is directly managed and supported by us. We are thus able to minimize the number of local field technicians dispatched to each site which reduces the number of truck rolls and provides accelerated deployment timeframes and lower project costs.
Learn more about Deployment Methods in our White Paper Series.
We use the Unified Resource Rollout Delivery Team Configuration in which our Rollout Delivery Team consists of our Program Manager, Project Managers, pool of Project Facilitators, Warehouse Manager, Technology Manager and Partnership Manager. Our Project Managers utilize a pool of Project Facilitators as needed depending on project requirements which includes using Dedicated Project Facilitators for specialization purposes. This configuration allows us to be flexible and scalable to any project needs and requirements without sacrificing quality or speed.
Learn more about Rollout Delivery Team Configurations in our White Paper Series.
To ensure quality, we employ the Direct Tech Communication Channel in which we directly manage and fully support all of our field technicians at every site location. This Technician Communication Channel allows us to provide the highest level of service quality, communication efficiency and ensure overall project success from every aspect of your deployment.
Learn more about Technician Communication Channels in our White Paper Series.
We have found that our Centralized Single-Tier Process Structure, Local Multi-Service Deployment Method, Unified Resource Rollout Delivery Team Configuration and Direct Tech Communication Channel to be the most efficient methodologies in the world.
However, depending on the technology rollout category of the deployment and the scope of the project, these elements may vary in order to maximize your technology rollout efficiency at each site location. This would be clearly defined during the Master Rollout Analysis stage.
In order to understand the specific requirements of a technology project, you must first know the category that it falls into. The technology rollout category determines the timeframe for work performed at each site and is thus used in conjunction with other project details to accurately determine all requirements including scheduling and technician capabilities.
There are three technology rollout categories and these are detailed in our White Paper Series. Learn more about Technology Rollout Categories.
Let's Get Started.
Let us show you how we can help improve your technology rollout efficiency.